Author's Note

Hey! In case you wanted to know, my name is Jonathan. I started this site as a kind of pet project, something that can get me writing fairly consistently, as well as stretch my musical abilities. What I'm hoping for is a small community of people who can share what works for them as musicians, and that we'd all learn. Kind of like social networking, but for amateur musicians. I won't (and don't) claim to be a professional musician, but really more of a music enthusiast. I know what kinds of things work for me as far as playing goes, and I know what doesn't. I've picked up some great tips along my way, and some not-so-great tips. I'll impart as much knowledge as I can, but without your feedback I won't know what's useful, what's not, and what I need to spend more time on. So, tell your friends if you find this site useful, and if you'd be so kind, tell me what you think, and what you'd like to know.